Develop a webpage using Intrinsic Java Functions

Rahul Tamkhane
3 min readJan 5, 2021

1. To understand basic concepts of Forms in JavaScript.
2. To use the given intrinsic functions with specified parameters.

Intrinsic JavaScript Functions

  • An intrinsic function (or built-in function) is a function (subroutine) available for use in a given programming language whose implementation is handled specially by the compiler.
  • “Intrinsic” is the way some authors refer to what other authors call “built-in”.
  • Those data types/objects/classes are always there regardless of what environment you’re running in.
  • JavaScript provides intrinsic (or “built-in”) objects. They are the Array, Boolean, Date, Error, Function, Global, JSON, Math, Number, Object, RegExp, and String objects.
  • As you know JavaScript is an object oriented programming language, it supports the concept of objects in the form of attributes.
  • If an object attribute consists of function, then it is a method of that object, or if an object attribute consists of values, then it is a property of that object.
  • For example,
var status = document.readyState;

readyState is a property of the document object which can contain values such as “unintialized”, ”loading”, ”interactive”, ”complete” whereas,

document.write("Hello World");

write() is a method of the document object that writes the content “Hello World” on the web page.

  • JavaScript Built-in objects such as
  1. Number
  2. String
  3. RegExp
  4. Array
  5. Math
  6. Date
  7. Boolean
  • Each of the above objects hold several built-in functions to perform object related functionality.


  • isNaN() method determines whether value of a variable is a legal number or not.
  • For example
document.write(isNan(0));              // false
document.write(isNan('JavaScript')); // true


  • eval() is used to execute Javascript source code.
  • It evaluates or executes the argument passed to it and generates output.
  • For example
eval("var number=2;number=number+2;document.write(number)");   //4


  • Number() method takes an object as an argument and converts it to the corresponding number value.
  • Return Nan (Not a Number) if the object passed cannot be converted to a number
  • For example
var obj1=new String("123");
var obj2=new Boolean("false");
var obj3=new Boolean("true");
var obj4=new Date();
var obj5=new String("9191 9999");
document.write(Number(obj1)); // 123
document.write(Number(obj2)); // 0
document.write(Number(obj3)); // 1
document.write(Number(obj4)); // 1342720050291
document.write(Number(obj5)); // NaN


  • String() function converts the object argument passed to it to a string value.
  • For example
document.write(new Boolean(0)); // false
document.write(new Boolean(1)); // true
document.write(new Date()); // Tue Jan 05 2021 13:28:00 GMT+0530


  • parseInt() function takes string as a parameter and converts it to integer.
  • For example
document.write(parseInt("45"));         // 45
document.write(parseInt("85 days")); // 85
document.write(parseInt("this is 9")); // NaN
  • An optional radix parameter can also be used to specify the number system to be used to parse the string argument.
  • For example,
    document.write(parseInt(“10”,16)); //16


  • parseFloat() function takes a string as parameter and parses it to a floating point number.
  • For example
document.write(parseFloat("15.26"));        // 15.26
document.write(parseFloat("15 48 65")); // 15
document.write(parseFloat("this is 29")); // NaN
document.write(pareFloat(" 54 ")); // 54
  • An intrinsic function is often used to replace the Submit button and the Reset button with your own graphical images, which are displayed on a form in place of these buttons.
<title>Using Intrinsic JavaScript Functions</title>
<FORM name="contact" action="#" method="post">
First Name: <INPUT type="text" name="Fname"/> <BR>
Last Name: <INPUT type="text" name="Lname"/><BR>
Email: <INPUT type="text" name="Email"/><BR>
<img src="submit.jpg"
<img src="reset.jpg"

Sample Program

Write a JavaScript function to insert a string within a string at a particular position (default is 1).

<title>Insert a string within a specific position in another string</title>
function insert(main_string, ins_string, pos) {

if(typeof(pos) == "undefined") {
pos = 0;
if(typeof(ins_string) == "undefined") {
ins_string = '';
return main_string.slice(0, pos) + ins_string +
var main_string = "Welcome to JavaScript";
var ins_string = " the world of ";
var pos = 10;
var final_string = insert(main_string, ins_string, pos);
document.write("Main String: <b>" + main_string + "</b><br/>");
document.write("String to insert: <b>" + ins_string + "</b><br/>");
document.write("Position of string: <b>" + pos + "</b><br/>");
document.write("Final string: <b>" + final_string + "</b>");
Insert string in middle
Output: Insert string in middle

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